[MLPA Initiative] Correction: Link to north coast regional profile webpage

by Melissa Miller-Henson

Dear MLPA Initiative listserv members,

On Friday you received an announcement regarding the availability of the revised north coast regional profile, and a link was provided to the electronic version. If you copy and paste that URL into your Internet browser, it will take you to the correct webpage. If, however, you were to click directly on the link in the announcement, it would take you to the draft version of the profile.

The URL with the correct link is pasted below so that you may copy it into your browser or go directly to the webpage by clicking on the link:
MLPA Initiative - Regional Profile for the North Coast Study Region
Available online at http://www.dfg.ca.gov/mlpa/ncprofile.asp

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your continued interest in the MLPA Initiative!

With regards,

MLPA Initiative staff

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